
We daily strive to involve our people in multiple processes, with the goal of increasing everyone’s well-being and opportunities for knowledge and improvement.

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ALA Sailing Project

In sailing activities, teamwork and enhancement of the individual’s talent and ability are the keys to achieving the best possible result.

With this goal in mind, ALA launches the ALA Sailing project at the end of 2021: through the acquisition of an X-35 X-Yachts sailboat, designed to compete in ORC-C category races, ALA engages employees to join a corporate sailing team and compete in international regattas mainly held in the Gulf of Naples.

The project enhances the strong bond that ALA has with the city of Naples and is based on a very sustainable sport in itself – sailing – which embodies the values ​​on which we build our growth path. Among these, teamwork: as happens in sailing competitions, even in corporate situations all team members contribute to achieving the best possible result.

From a team building perspective, the ALA Sailing project also includes a series of introductory sailing courses open to our employees.

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An opportunity to stimulate a bottom-up improvement process

The MAKE IT HAPPEN! AWARD – ALA internal prize held every year – has been created in memory of Franco Scannapieco – Chairman Fulvio Scannapieco’s brother.

The prize is an opportunity to stimulate a bottom-up improvement process, based on the intuitions of those who live and build the Company day by day through their work. 

Three essential areas have been defined: Innovation, Process Efficiency and Sustainability. These are key elements on which the Company’s growth is based on. 

All our employees are invited to participate in the award by submitting their idea.

Every year two ideas are chosen and implemented during the months following the Award up to be integrated within business processes.

Talent development & training

A path of continuous improvement

ALA excellence relies on the investment in our people letting them develop their skills, knowledge and capabilities to better perform their role.

We encourage a continuous learning process, offering an opportunity of both personal and professional growth through well-structured training plans.

Starting from a skill gap analysis, every year we implement a training plan with activities and workshops useful to acquire and improve hard & soft skills, and to be always ready for the challenges of tomorrow.

Our approach involves technical training and closely related to our core business, but also language training. Knowing foreign languages plays an ever more central role nowadays, not only for interacting with all stakeholders, but also for better collaborating with the colleagues: with this in mind, we involve small groups of employees to join alternately English, Spanish and French lessons

Added to this is an intensive training program related to subjects of increasing importance, such as: sustainability, innovation and cybersecurity.

Training activities represent an opportunity for our resources, as they offer the chance to get in touch with professionals, while consolidating their skills and relational abilities – skills now essential for management careers and beyond. 

Through a meritocratic career development plan, ALA also creates rooms for improvement for the employees with high potential. The Talent & Training Incentive Program is a clear example: it aims to promote a training incentives system, which is functional for professional development and brings enhancements to company processes.

All this results in the company’s desire to promote and develop a talent culture in line with corporate strategies and objectives.