Corporate and control boards

The Company has adopted a traditional governance and control system. Therefore, the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors are both appointed by the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting

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Board of Directors*

Fulvio Scannapieco

Born in Naples on 14 November 1952, he graduated from the “Federico II” University of Naples with a degree in Business and Economics in 1980. Initially, he held the position of Chief Officer of General, Corporate and Financial Affairs and then as Head of General, Corporate and Financial Affairs at MEDEDIL Società Edilizia Mediterranea S.p.A. In 1995, together with his brother Franco Scannapieco and Engineer Vittorio Genna, he founded AIP Italia, where he held various positions over the years, including chairman of the board and managing director. Since 2009, year of establishment of the Issuer, he has also served as executive chairman of the Issuer’s board of directors.

Vittorio Genna

Born in Naples on 28 September 1961, he graduated from the “Federico II” University of Naples with a degree in Civil Engineering in 1991. He has gained significant and extensive experience in environmental security, and in the energy, industrial and military sectors, holding management positions in several companies including, among others, Watairpoll Ltd (Tel Aviv) and Orkal Industries LLC (New York). In 1995, together with his brothers Franco and Fulvio Scannapieco, he founded AIP Italia where he held various positions over the years. Since 2009, year of establishment of the Issuer, he has also served as executive director and deputy chairman of the Issuer’s board of directors. In this capacity, over the years he has been dealing mainly with institutional relations, information technology, and human resources matters.

Roberto Tonna

Born in Borgomanero (in the province of Novara) on 25 January 1975, he graduated in Mechanical Engineering and obtained a license to practice from the Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy. He then went on to earn an EMBA from the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

He joined ALA in 2019 as Chief Commercial Officer and was later appointed CEO in 2022.

Roberto has over twenty years of experience in commercial operations and supply chain management in the Aerospace & Defence sector. His most recent positions include Director of Sales & Business Development at Wyman-Gordon, a PCC company, a world leading supplier of closed die forgings for aerospace, defence and industrial gas turbine applications. From 2010 to 2014, Roberto was Commercial Director & General Manager at Pattonair, with full P&L responsibility for distribution and service provider activities in Italy and Poland. Early in his career, he also worked at Mecaer Aviation Group (MAG) for nine years, where he held various positions entailing increasing responsibility. During his time at MAG, Roberto helped turn MAG Plant in Montreal from a local make-to-print manufacturing workshop into a globally recognised supplier of landing systems for helicopters and private and business aircraft.

Matteo Scannapieco

Born in Naples on 25 July 1985, he received a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Stoá, School of Management in 2009 and a Master’s degree in Accounting, Budgeting and Management Control from BeMore

S.n.c. in 2014. From 2007 to 2010, he worked as an administrative clerk at AIP Italia, and from 2010 to 2015 he held the same position within the Issuer, where he now works as a function manager with reference to strategic planning for the ALA Group. Since 2015, Mr Scannapieco has also served as a member of the Issuer’s board of directors.

Andrea Costantini

(*) Director meeting the independence requirements under Article 148(3) of the Consolidated Finance Act (TUF).

Born in Bologna on 22 May 1976, he graduated in Business Administration and Business Law from Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi in 2000 and, in 2011, attended an executive education program in general management at Harvard Business School in Boston, USA. After spending several years in the consulting business, first at Arthur Andersen S.p.A. and later at KPMG S.p.A., he worked for several years for the Coca Cola Company in the Corporate Audit department, with main focus on countries such as China, India, Japan and Russia. Following his experience at Coca Cola, he joined D’Amico Shipping Group as regional CFO for Asia based in Singapore. In 2016, he joined the Agrati Group as executive vice president and currently holds executive and non-executive positions in several group companies. Since January 2021, he has also been chairman of the board of directors of Smart Capital S.p.A., a permanent capital holding company specialising in private equity and private investment in public equity.

* In charge until the approval of the 2024 financial statement as resolved by the Shareholders’ Meeting on April 28, 2022

Board of Statutory Auditors*


Born in Parma on 25 October 1955, he graduated in Economic Sciences with a Master of Specialization in Management of Local Authorities at the LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome. After having gained specific professional experience in the field of public services by holding the positions – inter alia – of managing director, member of the board of directors, budget consultant and liquidator at various companies, he is now the owner of a professional firm located in Naples. Since 1982 he has been registered in the Register of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Naples (registered in the Register of Statutory Auditors under no. 32896). Furthermore, since 1995 he has held the position of member of the board of statutory auditors at various companies. The Dr. Longoni is president of the Issuer’s board of auditors.

Affectionate mayor

Born in San Giorgio a Cremano (NA) on 27 August 1982, she graduated in Economics and Commerce from the University of Naples “Federico II” in 2006. Immediately after graduating, he began his working career in Studio Fiorentino Associati, where he continues his collaboration today. Dal 2016 ha ricoperto, e tuttora ricopre la carica membro del collegio sindacale in diverse società. Since 2016 he has held, and still holds, the position of member of the board of auditors in various companies. Dr. Sanseverino holds the role of standing auditor at the Issuer.

Affectionate mayor


Alternate auditor

Born in Naples on 28 February 1960, he graduated in Economics and Commerce from the University of Perugia in 1985. Since 1998 he has been registered in the Register of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Rome (registered in the Register of Statutory Auditors under no. 33010). Since 1990 he has held and still holds the position of member of the board of statutory auditors of various companies. The Dr. Lorusso Caputi holds the role of alternate auditor at the Issuer.

Alternate auditor


* Appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting on April 29, 2024 until the approval of the 2026 financial statement

Auditing company

On April 27, 2023 the ordinary meeting of the Issuer appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers S.p.A. to carry out the statutory audit of the Company’s financial statements and consolidated financial statements for the financial years 2023, 2024 and 2025, and therefore until the date of the Meeting called for the approval of the financial statements as at 31 December 2025,pursuant to art. 13 for D.lgs. 39/2010.

PricewaterhouseCoopers S.p.A was appointed to carry out the limited audit of the consolidated half-yearly financial statements of A.L.A SpA for the periods ended 30 June 2023, to 30 June 2024 and to 30 June 2025. The limited review is conducted on a voluntary basis and will be conducted in accordance with the International Standard on Review Engagements (ISRE).

Last updated: June 12, 2024

* Appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting on April 27, 2023 until the approval of the 2025 financial statement

Company documents and procedures

Post IPO Articles of associations


FORM 231




ALA SpA employs a process for handling reports (including anonymous ones) about the Company sent by Third Parties or Personnel.
The process conforms to the regulatory changes introduced by Legislative Decree No. 24 of March 10, 2023, on the implementation of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 23, 2019, regarding the protection of individuals reporting violations of Union rights and laying down provisions regarding the protection of individuals reporting violations of national laws (so-called “Whistleblowing Decree”).
The whistleblowing management process is an integral part of the Organization, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 of ALA SpA.
For the forwarding and management of reports ALA SpA implements a dedicated IT platform, which is a preferred channel for sending such reports.

Submit your report:

Shareholders’ meetings

Minute of shareholders meeting

List of candidates for the Board of Statutory Auditors No. 2

List of candidates for the Board of Statutory Auditors No. 1

Explanatory report of the Board of Directors on the items on the agenda

Statutory Auditors’ statement on the purchase of treasury shares

Proxy form for ALA Spa shareholders’ meeting

Annual Report 2023

Notice of Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders ALA SpA

ALA Sustainability Report 2023

Sharehlders’ meeting proxy form

Minute of shareholders meeting

Notice of Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders ALA SpA

Sustainability Report 2022

Annual Report 2022

Explanatory report of the Board of Directors on the items on the agenda

Proxy form for ALA Spa shareholders’ meeting

Statutory Auditors’ statement on the purchase of treasury shares

Board of Statutory Auditors proposal for statutory auditor appointment

Generic proxy form 2022

Proxy and voting instructions RD

AIP Italia S.p.a. list deposit

CSR Report 2021 ALA SpA

Consolidated financial statements 31/12/2021 ALA SpA

Separate financial statements 31/12/2021 ALA SpA

ALA Explanatory Report Meeting April 28-29, 2022

Notice of Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders ALA SpA 28/04/2022

Extraordinary operations

Internal Dealing